
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Doggy Day Out Donations Go to Harbor House and Domestic Violence Victims

Lulu is confused again. Lots of food, treats, toys -- and she can't have ANY of it!

It's not for her though. It's all the donations people gave at Doggy Day Out Orlando a few weeks ago at Barber Park. Check out the link above. I posted pictures from the event.

All these items went to Harbor House of Central Florida today. They will all be part of the Paws for Peace kennel, which opens in December.

Thanks to everyone who came out, and thanks to our sponsors who donated prizes:

Pine 22
Tijuana Flats' Just in Queso Foundation
Painting with a Twist
Jimmy Johns (Amanda and Joe Clark, especially!)
Woof Gang Bakery -- Winter Park
News 13
Pookie's Bakery
Rick's Dog
Orlando City Soccer
Sit n Stay Pet Cafe

What's next? We will host another event after the holidays. But first, Harbor House of Central Florida is having their Paws for Peace walk this Saturday at Blue Jacket Park.

Did you know:

  • 48% of domestic violence survivors delay leaving an abusive home because they don’t have a safe place for their pets.
  • Pet abuse is often a retaliatory action of abusers. Animals are used as leverage by the batterer as a means to control their victims or as part of a pre-emptive strike to gain or maintain control.
  • According to the American Animal Hospital Association, an estimated 88% of pets living in households with domestic violence are either abused or killed.
  • Of all survivors who enter shelters to escape violence, 57% have had a pet killed by their abuser.
 These statistics were provided by Harbor House.

So please, help me by donating to the Paws for Peace website. My personal goal is $125. You can go to my personal fundraising site to donate. 

If you can't donate, please at least help me spread the word. 

Pets should not be used as pawns for violence. 


  1. I had no idea of the statistics. Wow. Thank you for making people more aware.

    I miss Tijuana Flats and their hot sauce. :(

    1. The statistics are the most amazing part! And there are few shelters for victims with pets in America. Another few this innovative!

  2. I totally agree with the last line! Poor Lulu, I am sure she's devastated not able to do anything about the great stuff surrounding her.

    Huggies and Cheese,



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