
Friday, August 16, 2013

Beagle of the week: Maggie from Wag the Dog UK

Sorry it took so long to post this tonight! I haven't been well all day, so I haven't done much on the computer.
This week's Beagle of the week is a favorite all over the world!

This is Maggie, the beagle star of Wag the Dog UK.

We talked with Maggie's mom about this little gal.

1) How old is she? 
 Maggie is 6 years old.

2) Where did you get her? 
  Maggie comes from Missouri, but I received her in New York City. [Editor's Note: Maggie and her mom have been all over the world!]

3) How long have you had her? 
Since she was a pup. (10 weeks)

4) What's her favorite food? 
She’s a beagle, so thus most anything! However she loves meaty treats and chicken.

5) What's her favorite thing to do? 
I would say it’s meeting people. She loves to meet anyone with a big smile, a wag, and a kiss.

6) What's her favorite toys? 
Her torn to death bunny.

7) Does she take part in any special activities (i.e. therapy dog, service dog, spokes dog, etc.) ?
She works with NO to Dog Meat at the moment. We are trying to stop people eating dogs and cats. We lived in Hong Kong and found out that there is a massive market of this horrible trade. Besides that, she is just one spoiled beagle.

8) What's the best part about owning a beagle?
Their personality. I know they are known as a hard dog to train. But that is the beauty of them. They’re friendly, but willful personality always puts a smile on my face. She is such a “love dog” and there is nothing sweeter than watching her enjoy her world, beagle style.

9) What's the worst? 
How at times they will not listen to you and do their own thing.

10) Anything you'd like to add?
If you want a dog with personality, a beagle is a must. They are all dog, but in a cute little package. Good for homes with children, and to care for.

You can follow along with Maggie at Wag the Dog UK, and on Facebook.

 Now for this week's featured rescue beagle. Time to find a beagle a home!

This poor beagle has no name, just a number: 20292137. She's at Pasco County Animal Services in Land O'Lakes. She's an adult and spayed, but there's no other info. She's pretty, huh?

Pasco is a particularly tough shelter... they are frequently beyond capacity. They need all they can get to get those dogs to forever homes. 

If you would like to help her, contact Pasco County Animal Services at:

Pasco County Animal Services
19640 Dogpatch Lane
Land O' Lakes, FL 34638
  • Sunday/Monday/Holidays: Closed
  • Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday: 12 pm - 4:30 pm
  • Thursday: 12 pm - 6:30 pm
 I have another beagle to mention:
This is Chico, he's a beagle-jack-russell mix, and he is at Orange County Animal Services. Number A272439. Someone has put an application on him, but if that falls through there's a chance he will be euthanized on Sunday. 

If you are interested, please consider helping him.

Orange County Animal Services - Pet Rescue & Adoption Center
2769 Conroy Road
Orlando, FL. 32839-2162

Main Number: (407) 254-9140

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lulu,
    Thanks so much for featuring my story!
    Big wags and howls!


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