
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

GIVEAWAY: Washable, designer pee pad by Spoiled Pup Boutique

If you haven't put down a pee pad for your dog before, you've at least seen them: white with a blue absorbent insert that is kinda like an unfolded diaper.

This is not that kind of pee pad.

Spoiled Pup Boutique, makers of cute dresses and other outfits for dogs, also makes designer, reusable pee pads. And they are giving one away right here!

Now it sounds like something that would end up becoming kind of gross. But it's not. The pad is made of a waterproof bottom layer and a pretty top layer that comes in a range of designs. Inside -- a double layer of absorbent materials with antibacterial properties.

Why would I need something like this? Well, sometimes, in my line of work, I end up stuck at my job for 12 hours or even more. At the very least, crazy hours and long hours mess with Lulu's routine. I can't be upset with her if she has to relieve herself in the house. So I want her to have a place to do it that doesn't mess with my carpet.

But does it work?

I was pretty amazed! First off, you don't get a heavy smell from the pad when it's used. When you clean it, the pad holds its shape well, so the absorbent part doesn't get distorted. And, amazingly, there is nothing on the carpet. There's not even a stain on the back of the pad, so the liquid doesn't go soak all the way through.

Pee pad drying after some time in the wash. No stains!
These are great if you have puppies, or senior dogs, or even if you're staying at a hotel with your dog, because you can pick up any loose liquid with a paper towel, then wash it when you get home (or even in the hotel).

They also come in small, medium or large -- depending on how much space you would want to, or need to, take up for this.

Plus, it's pretty economical. A medium pee pad is $25.49. A pack of the disposables is at least $10. So you're saving quite a bit of money in the long run, and helping the environment.

  • Absorbent.
  • Anti-bacterial.
  • No carpet messes.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Washable -- reusable
  • Getting the dog to use it. If you're like me and your dog has been a proper bathroom user, it requires a bit of training.
  • As with anything -- it won't last for ever. You may need to replace it if your dog uses it a lot.

And, now you can enter a contest to win one. Spoiled Pup Boutique will send you a pad in the style and size you need.  

Just enter through Rafflecopter. You have to comment below with your email and what size and style you would want in order to win.

DISCLAIMER: I received a free pad from Spoiled Pup Boutique to try out, and they are giving a pad for my giveaway, but my opinions are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



    Large or medium Pee Pad Grass

  2. These look great! We have a senior dog who is starting to have accidents occasionally. Often he goes right in front of the door, so it would probably be easy to train him to this. I would love the Large in grass color if I win.

  3. Great review! I've seen reusable pee pads before but haven't heard of this brand until now.

    If I win, I'd like to try a large pad, and also like the grass design.

    1. Huh sorry - not sure why my comment is spaced weirdly!

  4. I'm like you. I have a job that isn't always predictable with my hours, so using pee pads buys me some extra insurance knowing that my dogs aren't in pain waiting to go out. So glad they are pad trained too! These are a lot prettier (and larger) than the ones you get at the store.

  5. What a great idea! with a house full of seniors, we could really use one of these. I like the large size in flowers and my eamil is Thanks for the chance.

  6. They are great and well made. Met them at BlogPaws. Happy BlogPaws WW. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  7. That is such a pawesome idea! Great review. I don't need pee pads (yet) but I know my aunt Linda would use one for her pups...they are always peeing in the house!

  8. Oh this is lovely. Not to embarrass any-Huffle but he's getting on in years and could really use this... we love the Large Bees design or the Dots design. <3 Thanks for hosting! (Email:

  9. I like the Medium Pee Pad Frog

  10. I have 3 dogs, Daisy(7) a Beagle, Molly(4) a Beagle Corgi Mix and Roxy(6) a beagle jack Russell mix, I think they would love the flower print(or the tye dye) I think they would do best with a large, (maybe a medium, this would really come in handy after Daisy gets spayed next month(I just adopted her last month)Also Molly often has accidents and for some reason she always chooses a blanket or the couch to go on, so this would be great for her too.

    1. I forgot to put my email which is

  11. great gift for a new puppy owner!

  12. I would like to win one and I think I am going to buy one as well. I have a new pup and two seniors who seem to have accidents sometimes. it's kinda funny actually, they chose our back bathroom which thank goodness it's tile to go on so it's easy to clean up but sometimes they go on the living room floor. Right now we have a blanket down so it doesn't go on the carpet so this would be great. I think I would like either the cheetah or tye dye one in medium.

  13. With 5 little dogs in the house we go through plenty of pee pads : ) This would be wonderful to have! I'd pick the Small Pee Pad 2 pack Dog. sscott2ATemailDOTcom

  14. Hi I have a American Cocker Spaniel mix female her name is Abby, I also have a purebred American Eskimo her name is Shasta and she is a retired champion show dog. Abby is 3 years old and Shasta is 7 years old. They are both pretty good about going potty outside but Shasta being elderly with her breeds life span 14 years she has trouble going up and down the stairs some times. Plus right now she is sick we may have to take her to the vet she is puking a lot and having diareah badly. Also this morning Abby needed to pee so bad she woke me up at 6:50 even if Abby and Shasta don't need it I think that I could take it to rescued paws the animal rescue I work with we always need donations like that. As for the pee pad I say medium to large size with frog design and my e-mail address is

  15. Having rescued a senior beagle, I try to make life for her as easy as possible. She gets up during the nite to get a drink. Sometimes she needs to pee too. I have the disposable pads for her convenience. The pad allows her the chance to go without waking the three other rescues who would want to go out just to go out.If Glo and I win, we'd like a med or large 'grass'. TY!

  16. I would like the large "dog" pad. There are times we have to leave Lady Girl in our bedroom when we go somewhere and the weather is inclement. I have the disposable pads, but these are just so pretty :D

    Thank you for the giveaway, Ann Cluck

  17. This would be great for my older girl who has occasional incontinence- usually in her sleep. She could use this as a bed- or on top of her current bed. Much more comfortable for her than regular puppy pads and much easier for me to clean up!
    She'd take a large, grass design.
    Lyric In Time 2803 @ yahoo . com (no spaces) (Also, just a vote, but I hate leaving my email address publicly. Don't you get it anyway from rafflecopter? If not, would you consider on future giveaways having a separate, private rafflecopter entry for email addresses?)

  18. would like large red bandana since have 3 girls, would be great for the porch when the weather is bad.


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