Beags belongs to Andrea, one of my followers from the Orlando area. He hasn't had a tough life, but he hasn't had the love he needed until Andrea got him.
But Beags needs help. Andrea has set up a Give Forward account to help her pay for Beags medical bills. He needs to go to teeth and gum specialist.
Here's what Andrea said about his situation:
"I have put a lot of my own money into his care, I have taken him to two vets and and am on my way to his third. He has had nine teeth pulled (and exposed roots) and needs long-term dental care that I am having a hard time paying for. I am a college student and while I do work.. it is sporadic and I can barely cover my own bills right now.I don't normally do these appeals for help, but this is a special case.
I honestly would love the help to get him to a specialist and maybe cover his long-term care for a few months."
Read what Andrea has to say about Beags:
1) Where did you get Beags?
I got Beags from a family member that could not care for him properly.
He had terrible teeth, weighed 49 lbs (is currently at 32, he’s a big
beagle). The lady I got him from has had him since he was a puppy; he
was passed around to people in the household, he never really belonged
to anyone. My beagle/basset passed away September of 2013 and I went and
picked up this mess of a beagle the next day… I knew he needed the love
and attention and he has just bloomed since then. He’s happy and
healthy now.
2) When did you get Beags?
September 5th, 2013. September 5th is officially his birthday.
3) What's his favorite food?
4) What's his favorite
Soft toys that squeak, which he can practice chewing (bad
teeth=yea..) Anything he can eat, stuff that has something he can eat in
it.. and loves balls.
5) Do they have any special skills (therapy dog, service dog, blog star,
a lab beagle, a search dog, an agility star, show dog star, etc.)?
He can look depressed or horribly bored, no matter what he's doing.
That’s a skill, right?
6) What's the best thing about owning a beagle?
They are the most affectionate, loyal dogs, I don’t ever think I will ever be without a beagle or basset or hound mix.
7 ) What's the worst part of owning a beagle?
The worst part, my god he is an escape artist.. he’s going to be neutered soon so maybe that’ll help. And that ever lovely stubborn streak he seems to have. I swear he plays dumb quite well.
Please share this story with everyone you know. Please help Andrea so that Beags can have a good rest of his life. Please check out her Give page.
Those eyes! Daisy is a hound dog mix and their faces are just irresistible!