Friday, September 4, 2015

Star Wars Force Friday: Meet the beagles of the traveling Yoda pants

We love Star Wars around here! And today is Force Friday.

But these beagles have The Force with them!

 It all started a few years ago, says Hunter the beagle on his blog, The Adventures of the Traveling Yoda Pants.

Hunter in the Yoda costume.
For Halloween 2010, Hunter's people dressed him up in this costume. Well, all the Twitter beagles thought it was hilarious. Hunter was embarassed, but he wasn't down and out.
"And so I figured out a way how to get even with my teasing and bully-ing anipals, tweeting beagles and crazy twitter peops: I decided to make them wear the Yoda outfit (see how they like it) and I send Yoda off into the wide world, on a world tour.

"No longer I shall be the only Yoda..hhmmm"
 Since then over 2 dozen beagles from all over the world have worn the Yoda costume. Here's a few of them:

Did you know there are lots of beagles on Twitter. I call them #Tweagles! They're a great group. They're always helping each other, lifting each other up, they even send each other gifts. Lulu and Jasmine got these ladybugs from our beagle friends in Argentina! We're members of the Beaglebug club!

Join us on Twitter and meet all our #Tweagles! Maybe you'll get the Yoda costume too! And may the Force be with you!

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