Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lulu's Favorite Things: Helping domestic abuse victims and their pets

As you know, we are raising money for Harbor House of Central Florida and its pet kennel for domestic violence victims.

The Paws for Peace Walk is April 26 at 8 a.m. at Blue Jacket Park in Orlando.
This year, I have formed a team! If you go to the secure Paws for Peace website, you can join my team and walk with me. It's a short walk, not even a 5K. And your dog can come too! And there will be a raffle, vendors and other activities too for afterwards! 

So if you are in Central Florida, please consider joining my team! Or if you can't make it, please consider donating to me. I have a low fundraising goal. 

Just head to my personal page -- Team Beagle! The site takes you to Harbor House's page. It's powered by Kintera and is a secure server.

As part of our fundraising efforts, we've launched Lulu's Favorite Things!

Each week, we'll profile a company that has helped us and  produces products we love. These are sponsored campaigns, and half the proceeds from these sponsorships goes to Harbor House.

Here are three great companies who are taking part in the campaign!
http://www.critterzoneusa.com/https://www.zukes.com/     http://www.jonesnaturalchews.com/


AND -- We have giveaways too!

April 11-May 1: Jones Natural Chews GIVEAWAY

And don't forget! If you can't donate or join our team, you can still Help Team Beagle! Harbor House is hosting a Paws Photo Contest! Lulu is entered in the contest. If you are on Facebook, please head to this link and vote for her daily!


  1. Most excellent, Miss Christie and Lulu! Such a great idea for a fabulous cause!
    *high paws*

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. anything that they can get their paws and teeth on.

  4. Wow Christie and Lulu, what a fantastic organization and cause to support!! Mommy Jenny and I are so proud of you. It makes me very happy to know that this organization supports and protects not just the human victims of domestic abuse, but their pets as well. Not many people realize the pets are victims too.
    I'll be sharing this to help spread the word my friend! Sending big hugs to you both!
    Pixel & Jenny

    1. Thanks Pixel and Jenny! And thanks for spreading the word.

  5. Victims of violence, both human and animal, will have the opportunity to heal physically and mentally as they are cared for in a safe, stable environment. Domestic violence victims will not have to endure additional abuse because they do not have a safe place to house their pets if they flee their abuser.


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