Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Almost Wordless Wednesday: Breakfast time

We bloggers are often looking for special moments to share with our readers. But sometimes we may confound and darn right frustrate our pets. 

Take today. All I was doing was giving Lulu breakfast. But I was a little late doing it this morning, which meant Lulu was impatient. She howled at me. But rather than hurry up with the food, I grabbed my phone, hoping to recreate that moment. Here's what happened:

Note how Lulu walks in a circle. She is walking from the pantry door to her food dish and back. She is pointing to the pantry. That's where her food is.

Lulu's quite content now. But I doubt she's satiated though. She is a beagle, after all.


  1. So sweet to see a video of Lulu. She is like "come one Mom, I'll show ya!"

  2. Feed me!! It's so frustrating when you can't recreate those great moments. I definitely have been there. I need to document this!!
    -Jessica from Beagles & Bargains

    1. I know! So frustrating to when they don't cooperate!

  3. Lulu knows exactly what she wants!

  4. you made me laugh because these are moments that ONLY pet bloggers "get!" Our poor babies, we reach for our cameras/phones at the WORST times! lol She is adorable

    1. I feel like I'm rarely prepared for these moments.


Feel free to leave me feedbark!